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Filtered by Tag: jewelry

BusinessWire Press Release: OWL Financial Group Announces Up To $2 Million Per Loan Available to Diamond and Jewelry Industry

BusinessWire Press Release: OWL Financial Group Announces Up To $2 Million Per Loan Available to Diamond and Jewelry Industry

Private lending company aggressively provides short-term, collateral lending to fill the void left by traditional banks.

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Think Thursday: Is The Modern Fine Jewelry Buyer Considering the Online Retail Market?

Think Thursday: Is The Modern Fine Jewelry Buyer Considering the Online Retail Market?

It seems the debate is still open on where this generation of jewelry seekers will make their next big buy. Are millennial's even into fine jewelry in the same way that the Baby-Boomers or Gen "X" were? We read three articles that have us questioning which direction Gen "Y" is looking to pursue their jewelry purchases; IN STORE vs. ONLINE. 

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