OWL Provides Financing to the Diamond and Jewelry Trade Since 2011 

Your Assets. Our Capital. Let OWL Be Your Bank.

Owl offers asset backed financial assistance against:

  • White Diamonds

  • Colored Diamonds

  • Colored Gems

  • Diamond and/or Gold Jewelry

  • Estate or Antique Luxury Jewelry

  • Designer or Luxury brand Jewelry

  • Luxury Watches 

The process is simple: We buy your asset(s) and give you the option to buy it back. 


Owl’s expertise in providing money for your assets and dedication to service means you receive funding within 24-48 hours. No Credit Checks!


Providing funds for your assets is a careful exchange.

We understand the nuances of discretion, and we stand ready to work with you on your terms.


We are not a bank. Turning your assets into capital with OWL is trusting, tailored, and personal. We put your business before the transaction.


For more information, please visit owlfinancialgroup.com, call 212-319-1250, email us at info@owlfinancialgroup.com